Blogs Significance of Mobile Automation using SmartQE

Significance of Mobile Automation using SmartQE

By admin Jun 03,2021

     Mobile apps play a significant role in our day to day life. They provide us a smart way of doing things like shopping, money transfer, paying bills, chatting, reading news and booking cabs etc. Due to wider internet penetration and cheaper mobile handsets majority of the users using mobile apps to perform their daily life activities as part of this most of the digital platforms are adopting mobile first strategies. Thousands of mobile apps are being developed to solve various real-life problems.

A well performing and bug free mobile application with attractive UI improves stickiness of users. User stickiness can lead to increase in revenues. Before the apps are released for public use, we need to validate their usability, quality, and functionality. To deliver high quality and robust mobile applications we need testing tools. Tools that have comprehensive coverage of testing various mobile application components. Appium framework provides us a comprehensive set of tools to create automation test cases for mobile applications.

Mobile Automation Testing:

     As we all know manual testing of the mobile application is cumbersome and involves significant cost as these mobile devices come with different resolutions due to the wide variety of mobile manufacturers. Writing a testcase and executing it over and over again takes up a lot of time for the testers, valuable time that can be used testing other features or writing new test cases

As most of the organizations follow Agile methodologies to develop mobile applications with short release cycles.  Manual testing of the application for each and every release can be cumbersome and error prone. This is where Automated Testcases come to the rescue.

With all the points mentioned above, it is evident that manual testing of a mobile app is not exactly the best solution when the deadline is hard. Automated testing also involves a bit of initial investment in the form of tools to perform the test, but, in the long run, for a sophisticated mobile app, an automated test provides higher ROI

With automated regressive testing, we can focus on Testing new features without breaking the existing features. Testing whether your application performs the way it was intended when a number of users all use it at the same time is one of the most crucial tests you can perform on your mobile app. Automated testing helps speed up this aspect of the testing life cycle.

Automating the performance tests means you can have your test cases run simultaneously from a large number of devices, something which is practically impossible if you are running a manual test.

Mobile Automation Framework : 
     Appium is a popular open source mobile automation testing framework used for testing mobile applications and mobile browsers. It validates the compatibility, usability and response time of mobile applications and browsers across various mobile devices.

This software has been limited to mobile application testing, with a specific focus on iOS, and Android applications. Various programming languages are supported in Appium automation testing. These include Python, PHP, Java, and Perl. Automation tests in Appium can be run on mobile devices, simulators, and emulators.

Parameters should be considered for choosing a Mobile App automation tool

1.      Easy to Use : Mobile automation tools should be easily installed, configured and used.

2.     Cross-Platform Support : Mobile Automation tools should be able to support Multiple platforms Like Android,iOS etc.

3.     Reusability : We should be able to reuse the common scripts Across various Mobile applications.

4.     Support for Vendor : Mobile automation platform should support multiple vendors

5.     Cost : Costing is a very important factor while choosing the automation platform.

6.     Integration with other tools : The mobile testing tool should have the ability to get integrated with other test management tools, application lifecycle management, and help in communicating with all stakeholders.

7.     Cross-Browser Support : Mobile automation tools  support various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edgebrowsers .

SmartQE, the mobile automation tool, provides all the above parameters using which, any mobile app (android/ios) can be automated, doesn’t matter whether it is a native or hybrid app.

Generally, an automation engineer requires a lot of knowledge to configure and automate Android, iOS apps. SmartQE addresses all common problems in configuration and automation of mobile apps and provides the solutions in a smart way, just like it does in Web and API workflows. This ensures users don’t need to have much knowledge on automation.

Identification of all elements and xpaths in every page requires lots of effort by automation engineers in general. SmartQE eliminates all these manual efforts and provides all available xpaths of all elements, in just a click.

SmartQE automatically generates automation scripts and executes them, just like it does in Web and API workflows. This is one of the unique powers of SmartQE. You really don’t need to write a single line of automation code to create and execute a testcase.

Xpaths identification, writing code for testcase, executing them with multiple data items, in-detailed reporting etc are the most time consuming tasks in automation. SmartQE kicks all of them out and reduces your efforts by 70%.

Execution results are shown on every testcase as well as on a well organized dashboard page of SmartQE application.

What else do you want in mobile automation? SmartQE provides solutions in all the phases of automation, from configuration to reporting. Feeling excited? Please contact here for more info/queries.


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